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Searching with OneSearch

What is OneSearch?

OneSearch will allow you to browse resources and materials available through St. Mary's and other USMAI institutions. In addition to physical materials, it also allows users to find articles and other resources online through various databases accessible through the college.

Getting started with your Search

You'll want to sign in with your college credentials when you first start searching.This will allow you to make requests, view online resources, save items you're interested in, and much more!

1. To search for books, print materials (bound journals, microfilm, current newspapers, DVDs), online journals, or Video/Film you can toggle between the buttons on the catalog search page. There is a drop down menu to select where you will be searching:

  • Everything -- includes St. Mary's items, USMAI items, and items that are outside of the collections that can be requested through ILL.
  • Articles & More -- includes full-text articles.
  • St. Mary's Catalog -- includes both physical and online materials available through St. Mary's.
  • USMAI Catalog -- includes items from partners around the state of Maryland; these materials must be requested to be sent to our campus and can take about a week to arrive.  However, this is a free service for SMCM students, faculty, and staff!
  • Course Reserves -- includes items that instructors have put on reserve for their students, these items are held behind the circulation desk.

2. Enter your search term(s) into the search bar and hit enter. The first record in my search is the one that I want. It shows that it is available in the stacks.

3. You'll want to click the item, to view full details of the item.

  • The full item record will show the call number, availability, and call number location. The information outlined in the red box below shows that the material is currently available in the physical collection at SMCM, and also provides the call number and location of the item within the library. The information between the two purple stars shows other institutions that have a copy of the item in their own collections.

Finding Articles with OneSearch

You can search for articles several ways when using library resources. This guide will show you how to search for articles through OneSearch.

1. Enter your search terms and select the button labeled "Articles" and hit enter.


2. You will be able to filter by date ranges, full-text, and articles from peer-reviewed journals. Note that this article searching will not include any articles from newspapers, you must use the filter for "Newspaper search" if you wish to search for newspaper or news source articles.

Peer reviewed icon:

Within OneSearch this "Peer Reviewed" icon will appear, meaning that the article you are viewing has been published within a journal that is peer-reviewed. Although the article you are viewing may have this icon, it is always good to double check if the article itself is peer-reviewed.

Accessing Articles through OneSearch

Get PDF: This will take you directly to the PDF file of the article.

Available Online: This will direct you to a database or website where you can view the article.

Essential Library Resources