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Maryland State Courts


The Supreme Court of Maryland is the highest judicial state court in the state of Maryland. Previously known as the Court of Appeals, the name change was made in 2022. The courts hears cases by the way of certiorai. 

Along with hearing cases, The Supreme Court of Maryland also admits lawyers into practice in the state of Maryland, establishes rules of practice and procedure in Maryland Courts, and disciplines judges and lawyers who violate the rules and procedures.

Supreme Court of Maryland Hearings Structure

Once the Supreme Court of Maryland decides to hear the case by way of certiorari. The Court then creates a briefing schedule, and then schedules the oral arguments. Both sides typically have 30 minutes for their oral argument, and justices ask questions during this time.

The two sides are appellant, and appellee. Typically, the appellant side and appellee side each reserve 20 minutes for their opening argument and 10 minutes for their rebuttal.

The cases are decided by a vote by the seven justices. The Supreme Court of Maryland hearings are not trial hearings instead they determine wether the Trial Courts applied the correct concepts of law and if trial proceedings were conducted fairly.

It is customary for The Supreme Court of Maryland to hear cases that have wide public and legal significance in both criminal and civil matters.


Opinions are written explanations of why judges made their decisions regarding a case.