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Core 101 & 301 Faculty Toolkit

Writing & Speaking Assignments

Getting to Know the Center

  • Myth or Fact? (Google Form Activity)
    This form is an electronic version of the Center's informational Class Visits. The activity is designed to help familiarize students with the Center's mission, staff, and services. It includes 10 statements about the Center, and students have to decide whether each statement is a myth or fact. After completing the activity, students can view their scores and an explanation for each statement's classification. Students can complete this activity on their own, or you could do it with them as a class. Consider following up on students' completion of the activity with a brief in-class discussion about what students learned and how they might use the Center this semester.
  • How to Schedule a Tutorial
    This handout gives instructions for how to schedule a tutoring appointment at the Center, and it also gives some tips for strategic scheduling.
  • How to Use Tutoring to Address Writing Scenarios
    This handout lists common writing scenarios and gives ideas for how students can use tutoring to assist with them.

Writing and Peer Review

Writing Handouts


Information Literacy Assignments