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Support & Solidarity for SMCM Students: Information and Resources


This site was created in response to events at the Natty Boh hunt as well as similar events on campus and on social media in 2016. Library faculty and staff have elected to preserve parts of the site for historical purposes and to update the Learn More page. 



On Sunday, March 27, 2016, during the non-college-sponsored Natty Boh can hunt, a number of cans decorated with the confederate flag and racist, sexist, and homophobic "jokes" were found by students around campus. This event is the latest in a series of acts of insensitivity that have occurred on campus and via social media over the last year. Many faculty, students, and staff have expressed outrage, disgust, and sadness that these frequently anonymous actions have taken place in a community meant to "foster relationships based upon mutual respect, honesty, integrity, and trust." We are coming together as a college to ask ourselves how we can truly live and embrace the St. Mary's Way and make our community a more inclusive environment for all individuals, particularly those who may feel least supported and most impacted by recent events.



St. Mary's faculty and staff are deeply troubled by these events and have written letters of solidarity and support for all St. Mary's students, particularly those who have felt marginalized, harassed, and/or attacked by these events. You can read them on this site



It's easy to feel overwhelmed or disheartened when troubling events occur at a place we love. But take heart! There are a number of offices, task forces, response teams, and student, faculty, and staff organizations at St. Mary's working to make our college community safer, more inclusive, diverse, and supportive. Find out how you can be a part of improving St. Mary's by checking out the SMCM Resources section of this site.

You can also take a moment to ask yourself: Can I do better? Can I encourage others to do better? If the answer is yes (as it likely is for most of us) you might want to take a look at the list of short articles, websites, books, videos, and podcasts on the Learn More section of this site.



These events can take a toll--mentally, emotionally, and even physically. If you, or someone you know needs extra care and support, review the information under Support Tools for helpful options. Be mindful of your own health and needs and only choose the level of support or activism (if any) that is most appropriate to you in the next few months. 



Our deepest thanks go out to the librarians at Amherst College, whose Amherst Uprising: Information and Sources website inspired the creation of this site.