Search the SMCM Library Catalog
To simply scan the shelves for related titles, use these call number ranges:
GE 1-350: Environmental Sciences
QH 1-705.5: Natural History and General Biology
QK 1-989: Botany
QL 1-991: Zoology
QM 1-695: Human Anatomy
QP 1-981: Physiology /Experimental Pharmacology
QR 1-502: Microbiology
R: Medicine
S: Agriculture
T: Technology
First floor: Reference
Second floor: Stacks (books) and Journals and Periodicals
An online reference collection featuring full-text content from hundreds of reference books covering a broad range of subjects
Reference eBooks on a variety of topics
These selected titles provide a glimpse of what is available in the Reference Collection. To search the entire Reference Collection, use the Advanced Search screen in the library catalog and change the location from "all locations" to "Reference."